Monday, December 14, 2009

First thing this morning

Mom throws me out into the newly white snow and says, "go potty, Cyrus." I know what I'm supposed to do out there, I just don't want to. It's cold. Then she pushes my butt out out the door and closes it behind me. She's so mean, why can't I just do this in the house, she does?
Then it's off to work. My usual routine is to bolt out the back door and while mom gets the car I run down to the road, smell all the neighbor dogs who have been here recently, and meet her at the end of the driveway. Today, what does she do? She takes hold of my necklace with all it's charms and doesn't let me run to the street! How am I supposed to re-mark my trees near the street? God, Mom.
We get to work and the first thing mom has to do is shovel the walk. She does this while I watch from the warmth of the store, and cheer her on, way to go, mom, that's the way to shovel . . .  I have a little grin on my face, can you see it?
Mom says, "The definition of stupid is doing the same thing, over and over again, expecting a different outcome." Well if this is true, then my mom is sooooo stupid! She keeps grooming these dogs that want to bite her and despite her loving them up, cuddling and singing to them, they still try and bite. She just keeps on grooming them like nothing is happening, they couldn't get a negative reaction from her if they.....tried even harder! She says, "One day they'll stop, Cyrus, you'll see." Isn't this the true definition of stupid? She claims it's a battle of the obstinate. Somebody's got to give eventually. I've got my money on my mom!

1 comment:

  1. If my mommy throws me out into the snow she may never see me again. I'm only a few inches off the ground!
